Underwriting in a Pandemic

During my almost 30 years of managing  Etherington Generation’s Underwriting & Service desk we have seen many dramatic and positive advances. Of course, just as technology develops even more improvements, the necessary financial , medical and privacy compliance regulations expand. These latter requirements are designed to protect the vast majority of applicants for life insurance, […]

Just in Time vs Just in Case Planning: Incredible Times & Consequences

We have all found ourself in a strange place over the past 3 months as an invisible enemy penetrated the ramparts of the world , bringing with it dread or distress.   Suddenly, on a dime, thoughts of Spring Break, record stock market valuations, consumer confidence and low unemployment, summer festivals and Family reunions were […]

Things to Keep in Mind

Worried, stunned and fearful as we all are by the way our world has suddenly and dramatically changed , the first thing we have to all remember, including this writer, is that treatments will emerge, a vaccine will be discovered and life will resume. Saddened by the incredible manner in which this pandemic has diminished […]

Continuing Employee Benefit Coverage & Premium Flexibility

Canadian insurance companies are striving to provide small businesses some flexibility in continuing benefits coverage to their employees Similar to many financial institutions, Canadian insurance companies recognize that we are living through the greatest social, economic and health challenge in generations and good employee health has never been more critical. Most benefit carriers are relaxing […]

Government Continues To Listen

Prime Minister Trudeau today announced additional positive changes pertaining to increased flexibility in the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Plan and the Canada  Summer Jobs program after concerns raised about small businesses and students falling between the cracks. For details please go to: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/economic-response-plan.html.

Life Insurance Companies Demonstrating COVID-19 Flexibility

A combination of relaxed underwriting, enhanced digital channels and coverage extensions reflect measures being introduced by many Canadian Life Insurance companies. Certain large carriers are temporarily expanding their risk tolerance by relaxing certain underwriting requirements. Many carriers are accelerating improved electronic delivery options and expanding digital processes ( a much welcomed development ). Some carriers […]

Further 75% Wage Subsidy details & Interaction with CERB

  The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy  

Perspective on Government of Canada deficits to fund COVID-19 Emergency Economic Relief, Stimulus & Deferrals

They’re World War deficit levels, but not the biggest or the baddest yet, writes Campbell Clark in the March 31st, 2020 Globe & Mail

Government of Canada Listens

   The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Increasing from 10% to 75% Wage Subsidies for qualifying businesses. This will greatly help businesses maintain payroll & employment with positive spinoffs for the economic recovery on the other side of the pandemic. Will cover 75% of salary on the first $58,700 earned, back dated to March 15 Any […]

Government introduces Canada Emergency Response Benefit to Help Workers and Businesses

Please find attached the Federal Government’s: Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERP) legislation approved on March 25th ; intended to provide up to $1,800 month net to workers who have lost income to the COVID -19 pandemic for up to 4 months.   Government introduces Canada Emergency Response Benefit to Help Workers and Businesses