What are we Hearing? by Kirsteen Etherington

The mandate of an underwriting and servicing department in a company like Etherington Generations has always been broad in scope; serious in responsibility; intensive in detail and rewarding in client relationships.
Know Your Client ethics; codes of confidentiality and full financial and medical disclosure rules require a demonstration and creation of trust.
It is no secret that the insurance industry has been a laggard in electronic services conversion; no doubt mirroring the health care industry in Canada. Traditionally this has resulted in reams of paper and face to face meetings.
The pandemic has by necessity changed the playing field. Wills can be created and signed virtually; homes can be purchased and sold; medical histories can be efficiently and rapidly electronically exchanged.
The Canadian Insurance Industry is no different as it has tried its best to create virtual servicing and underwriting provisions in order to accommodate the needs of Canadians now working from home and restricted in lockdowns.
During this past year we are hearing the heart beats of mothers and fathers nurturing and assisting in the virtual learning of their children; whilst having to honour their career and employment responsibilities from home and often caring for elderly parents and extended Family at a distance.
Despite being restricted socially and geographically whilst juggling these new normals, we are hearing a determination amongst our clients to get through all this to the other side. 
The better angels of our nature are shining.