Things We Are Learning about Retirement Planning in the New Normal by Mark Etherington
The Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOP) recently commissioned Abacus Data to poll 3,500 participants on their current thinking about saving and planning for retirement. David Colette, Abacus CEO said in a briefing on the poll results that 70% of the respondents are looking to retire sooner and for greater future certainty. On the surface that makes sense as the pandemic has made us all … [Read More...]

Stakeholder Capitalism
In advance of the recent prominence of social equality protests, I was struck by an article written by the Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, and published in the Globe & Mail on December 2nd, 2019 entitled “The Case for Stakeholder Capitalism”. In it, Mr. Schwab asks what kind of capitalism we want in order to sustain our economic system for future generations … [Read More...]

What We Are Seeing? by Paul Etherington
Perhaps because of some of the positives summarized in the final paragraph of Brian Etherington’s February 16th, 2021 post entitled “ Out of the Darkness” we are seeing a significantly increased interest amongst our clients and new referrals in ensuring that the risk management strategies of their estate planning programs reflect accurately their tri-objectives for family financial independence, … [Read More...]

Things We Are Learning about Retirement Planning in the New Normal by Mark Etherington
The Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOP) recently commissioned Abacus Data to poll 3,500 participants on their current thinking about saving and planning for retirement. David Colette, Abacus CEO said in a briefing on the poll results that 70% of the respondents are looking to retire sooner and for greater future certainty. On the surface that makes sense as the pandemic has made us all … [Read More...]

Canadians Do Not Need To Worry by Kirsteen Etherington
By now we thought we would all be inured to such conspiracy theories as the hoax pandemic and the stolen election; but recent online misinformation about Canadian life insurance companies and the vaccine made us want to send out a clarification. Very happy to confirm that the Canadian Life Insurance industry is encouraging all Canadians to be vaccinated at their earliest opportunity. Vaccine … [Read More...]
News & Insights

Things We Are Learning about Retirement Planning in the New Normal by Mark Etherington
July 19, 2023
The Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOP) recently commissioned Abacus Data to poll 3,500 participants on their current thinking about saving and … [Read More...]
Recent Articles

Out of the Darkness by Brian Etherington
February 16, 2021
In reflecting upon the past twelve months we have all experienced events … [Read More...]

“How to Help the Helpers” by Brian Etherington
November 29, 2020
Whilst Canadians are attempting to cope with the personal and corporate … [Read More...]

Views on Risk: Pre & Post Pandemic by Brian Etherington
September 24, 2020
History has taught us unsurprisingly that the farther away in time we are … [Read More...]
Latest For Business
Out of the Darkness by Brian Etherington
In reflecting upon the past twelve months we have all experienced events which were previously anathema to us: the tragic pandemic and the assault on democracy at the US Capitol bookending the year. “The New Normal” has entered our lexicon in so many ways that were previously unthinkable: lockdowns, virtual learning, masks, social distancing, isolation, sickness , […]
Latest For Family
Things We Are Learning about Retirement Planning in the New Normal by Mark Etherington
The Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOP) recently commissioned Abacus Data to poll 3,500 participants on their current thinking about saving and planning for retirement. David Colette, Abacus CEO said in a briefing on the poll results that 70% of the respondents are looking to retire sooner and for greater future certainty. On the surface […]
Latest Strategy
Tuesday Talks with Mark Etherington: Your Greatest Economic Asset
For most of us, our greatest economic asset is not our home, our RRSP’s or our stock portfolio, but rather it is our health and with it our ability to earn an income. When you look at our potential to earn an income over the course of our lifetime we each have the ability to generate […]
Latest Community
Canadians Do Not Need To Worry by Kirsteen Etherington
By now we thought we would all be inured to such conspiracy theories as the hoax pandemic and the stolen election; but recent online misinformation about Canadian life insurance companies and the vaccine made us want to send out a clarification. Very happy to confirm that the Canadian Life Insurance industry is encouraging all Canadians […]