10 questions to answer when reviewing the benefits plan offered to your employees

While there are many variables to consider when reviewing your benefits plan, we believe the following  10 questions will help guide you towards designing the right plan for your organization:

  1. What is the “Purpose” of the Plan?
  2. Do the benefits align with your company’s overall mandate?
  3. Does your company have a Benefits Philosophy?
  4. How is your benefit plan perceived by employees?
  5. Do you educate your employees about the objectives of the plan and factors influencing design?
  6. Can you afford to offer the same level of benefits into the foreseeable future?
  7. Have you introduced cost containment measures?
  8. How do your benefits impact your company’s human capital requirements?
  9. Can you make your benefits plan more flexible while also controlling escalating costs?
  10. Are you receiving the best return on your benefits plan investment?