Out of the Darkness by Brian Etherington

Image result for out of the darknessIn reflecting upon the past twelve months we have all experienced events which were previously anathema to us: the tragic pandemic and the assault on democracy at the US Capitol bookending the year.
“The New Normal” has entered our lexicon in so many ways that were previously unthinkable: lockdowns, virtual learning, masks, social distancing, isolation, sickness , death, unemployment & bankruptcy representing just a few.
When hopelessness seeks blame, fuelled by bizarre and incredulously false conspiracy theories, distrust in institutions, governments and authorities abounds.
A free press, the bedrock of democracy becomes fake news; life saving vaccinations become agents of evil; courage to stand up for truth becomes political obfuscation.

In spite of it all, heroism has exemplified the actions of many: at the front of the line, Health Care workers have selflessly stepped up even in the face of debilitating falsehoods which must be so very discouraging as they predicate cyclical spread and suffering. 
Generosity, thoughtfulness, compassion, thankfulness, innovation, adaptivity, restitution, equality, fairness and kindness however have emerged out of the darkness; the human spirit remains hopeful and strong.
Building upon these foundational pillars will get us through to the other side.